Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thoughts on Tevye

I’ve always become a bit verklempt when certain events occur, and I know to expect it since it’s happened to me all my life. Some examples are times such as when The Star Spangled Banner is sung and everyone stands with their hands on their hearts--what a wonderful display of patriotism and pride. It happens when I’m at a parade and the marching band comes down the street playing its songs. It’s happened when my children have been in productions throughout their lives or when they’ve graduated or been given an award. But I honestly didn’t expect to have that feeling of choked emotion when it happened this past weekend as Barry took the stage in the role of Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof as part of a production with LTCC, our local community theatre.

It came upon me all of the sudden as he began the first little soliloquy. Then when he started singing the first song, I realized once again just how talented this man really is, and my heart filled with pride and my eyes with tears. What an amazing gift he has to be able to sing so beautifully and with such clarity. No need for a microphone for his booming voice either!

Although the entire cast did a great job in Fiddler, my favorite was Tevye. He made me laugh during the performance, and me makes me laugh in life. I’m so very proud of him.

Now, "talk amongst yourselves" a bit while I regain my composure.