Sunday, March 11, 2012

Imps and Rubber Snakes

Anyone who knows my husband, knows that he can be a bit impish.  I'm not sure if it's because he works with young kids or if it's just his nature (I feel it's the latter), but I often accuse him of acting like a 5th grader.  No offense intended to any 5th graders, but you do hope they grow up and out of it.
When we were in Gulf Shores last weekend, we had no specific agenda other than lazing around, enjoying the beach and the ocean and of course, eating great seafood.  We hadn't been to Souvenir City in several  years, so after dinner one night, we decided to wander through the store.

We stopped right inside the shark's mouth to get a photo of Barry and his mom, and I sent the picture to our girls since this has always been a fun place for them since they were very young when we would go there on vacations.

We walked up and down the aisles, and we actually found  a few items of interest.  This place has everything a person can imagine that could be made out of a seashell or a coconut husk.  In addition to the treasures from the sea, there are t-shirts, trendy sandals, postcards, logo coffee mugs, toys and prank items--you name it.

At one point, I noticed a young mother following a boy of about three or four, and he was wreaking havoc with the things within arm's reach on the shelves.  Although his mom walked behind to try and corral him, it was easy to see the boy was in control.  We rounded a corner with Barry ahead of me but just behind the boy and his mother.   I noticed several items on the floor that the boy had played with and dropped, and I had actually picked up a few things to return them to the shelves.

About this time was when Barry and I heard a loud, "Barry Dean!  Did you do this?"  We turned around and saw Barry's mom holding her chest and looking down at a rubber snake on the floor at her feet.  Of course she thought he did it.  Made sense to me.   I had already blamed him a few minutes earlier when the same young boy "lost his manners" just ahead of us.  Could have been Barry, but he swears it wasn't.

I'm sure it was the little boy.

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