Wednesday, February 8, 2012

October 28, 2010 - 1st Chemo

A quick (well sort of quick) note before I lay down to rest--chemo today was a very pleasant experience. I was very anxious about the port hurting and wondering how in the heck does the nurse know exactly where to stick the needle in that thing? I was wondering if the chemo would make me sick to my stomach or if I would be wracked with pain--put that didn't happen.

The nurse gave me Decradron, Benadryl, and a few other goodies in my IV, and once those got into my system really well, she started the Taxol. I couldn't tell any difference. Amazing.

Barry and I had been at the facility for maybe an hour, and my port had just been accessed, when I looked up and saw my co-worker, Tracy Dougherty, and my boss, Mike Mayton, walking into the treatment room with gifts. Mike had on a pink tie and was his usual dashing and debonaire self! He had a pink plaque with the words "Fight Like a Girl" at the top, and hanging from a nail on the plaque were a set of pink Everlast boxing gloves! (I believe many thanks should be given to his wife, Cathy "Hamilton" Mayton for this wonderful gift! You are such a sweetie!) Tracy had a bag of treats that said, "Queen Vicki" on it, and inside was a pink boa, a crown and wonderful book of encouraging sayings. I couldn't believe they had done this for me, and the tears began to flow. I looked over at Barry and he was crying as well. Seriously, how could we not cry? Abd what can you say to such kindness other than, "Thank you"!

This set the pace for my chemo treatment, and I told Barry that I felt like each little drip of Taxol was hitting any remaining cancer cells with a little "zzzzp" like an insect when it hits one of those electric bug zappers. Cool mental picture for me and very empowering!

Not that I enjoyed my chemo experience because enjoy isn't exactly the right word, but I felt like God used me today. Another woman came in, and we watched from a distance as they were apparently trying to get her insurance approved for chemo. We could see her texting on her phone, and then after a while, someone said insurance had given the all clear for treatment. After the nurse explained all of the treatments she would be getting and they had her hooked up and going, we could see her crying silently. And she was all alone today.

I drank coffee this morning, which usually has me making a couple of trips the restroom, but with the extra liquid from my IVs, I think I went seven times, toting my chemo drugs on the IV pole beside me. After I got good at maneuvering the pole, it was no big deal, and I would just get up on my own and make the short trek to the restroom. On my last trip to the potty, I stopped by this woman and patted her knee, and said, "Today is my first day of treatment, too." She smiled a huge smile, and I could see her relax just knowing that someone else was dealing with similar emotions. We told each other our stories of surgery and recovery, and there was an instant common bond, one built on adversity and pain. We knew what it felt like to have cancer.

Greta said she had come in today for a follow-up from surgery expecting to get a prescription for chemo drugs, and because of her clotting factors, they told her she was not a candidate for the pills and should have to take regular chemo via IV. What a thing to find out on your own and to start chemo immediately with no family beside you. Greta thanked me for giving her a "pep talk" as she called it.

I didn't know it was a pep talk, but I did know that I saw a fellow traveler on this journey who was taking a road less traveled, a traveler who needed roadside assistance. I am so thankful for the many family members, friends and co-workers who have given me roadside assistance and been my pep squad and cheerleaders. You are making my journey so much easier to travel.

I'll let you guys know how I do over the next few days as I think I have been lulled into thinking this isn't so bad. About take a Phenergan and lay down to rest. Oh, and look at the photos above because I hope I am able to post of picture of me this morning with my boxing gloves!          

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