Wednesday, February 8, 2012

October 8, 2010

I have an appointment for a wig consult! I know you all are so excited for me, and there will probably be three other people (Barry, Traci and Kelsey) with me offering their two cents worth, but I will be the one to make the final decision on the wig. Just sayin'! We'll have to post a picture sometime soon when I'm stylin' my new 'do!

The port will be inserted (I guess that's what they call it) on Tuesday, and my dear friend, Janie, is helping me with transportation to and from day surgery for that procedure. I'm not anticipating much pain or discomfort from it, but then I've been surprised by discomfort lately. According to the surgeon's nurse, I should be able to resume normal activities once the sedation has worn off. We'll see.

My PET scan is set for the 18th in Memphis, so things are falling into place, and I have some semblance of order in my life, if only with my medical appointments!

I love what so many of you have written on my guestbook, and please know that you are making me smile and sometimes laugh out loud with your comments. Sometimes I have tears of joy because of what you've said, because so many of you have played such a wonderful part in my life and in helping me to become the person I am. (I'm not holding anyone responsible for the ornery-ness in me.)

Please know that I'm trying to take each step of this one bit at a time, so ya'll just pray for me and don't be afraid. It's going to be okay.

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