Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cancer Sucks

Mid-September, 2010 - From my CaringBridge site (vickibates1)

I never expected to have my own CaringBridge website, but here I am, with breast cancer. I am and always have been an extremely healthy person, but in August of 2010, at age 49, I had some breast tenderness which led me to discover a small lump. Although I had never had fibrocystic tumors in my breast, I thought that might be what this lump was and that it would go away. Unfortunately, it did not. After a mammogram to get it checked out, I knew the outcome probably wasn't good when the technician kept patting me as if to say, "It's going to be all right." From there, I was sent for a surgical consult, then a biopsy, then a positive pathology report for cancer. After an oncology visit, I will have a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy this coming week to determine if the cancer has spread any further. I'll have radiation and then chemo of some sort, depending on what they find in surgery. That's the medical part of it, folks.

I have always been a caretaker and doer, and I find myself at a loss right now in letting others help or take care of me. I didn't ask for this, I don't want this, and I think it's going to be very difficult for me to let go and not be in charge. I need prayers from my family and friends in this area.

I have an amazing husband, Barry, and two beautiful daughters, Traci and Kelsey. My faith in God is strong and sure, and as others are praying for me, I will still be praying for many of them and their families. That's what Christians do--lift one another up. Oh yeah, and bring food when needed.

I plan on beating this cruel disease and being around for many years to bring food and do things for many of you when you are in need.

Please pray for me and my family as we go through the process. Know that we are trying to take it one day at a time, one bit at a time.

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