Thursday, February 9, 2012

May 13, 2011 - Elevated Tumor Markers

My oncology office called today to let me know they wanted to schedule a PET scan for me soon, and this concerned me since at my last visit, Dr. Obaji said we wouldn't do the next PET scan until October.  They put Dr. Obaji on the phone, and he said that at my last chemo, my tumor markers were at 36.2.  When I saw him on April 28th, the tumor markers were at 39.6, and normal is 38.6.  With the slight elevation, he wants to do a PET scan to make sure nothing is going on.   He said he has people with a tumor marker of 100 and them not have any additional cancer.  And he tried to assure me that this could very well be hormones and not to be too concerned.  Of course, I'm concerned.

I have the PET scan on Monday at 11:00, and then I see Dr. Obaji on Wednesday at noon for the results.  My radiation has been put off for another week until the results come in because the outcome could change the course of my treatment.

Once again, I am reminded of how life can change with each breath that we take.  I don't want to worry about this, but it is a cloud over me as only someone who has waited and hoped for good news can only imagine.  My good friend, Teresa, whose precious husband died recently of esophageal cancer told me today that waiting had become such a part of their lives, and they learned not to worry during those times.  I commented to her that they had gone through their journey with such grace and determination, and I did not see how they had done it.  She wrote me back that it was only with God's help.

I guess my new "normal" will involved test after test and visit after visit, at least for a while.  Not that I'm faint of heart right now, but I am a bit down about all of this.  I am so over cancer, but it may not be finished with me.  Please continue to lift me up in your prayers--I don't even have a good head of hair yet!

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