Wednesday, February 8, 2012

November 23, 2010 -OBU Band Gifts

It is so easy to be self-absorbed as a college student because everything is about you and what you are trying to accomplish at that time in life. I remember being so wrapped up in school, church and extra-curricular activities that I barely had time to think about anyone's interests other than my own. But today, some college students looked beyond themselves, and in spite of their busy-ness, they ministered to me and my family.

Kelsey plays French Horn in the OBU Band (mellophone in the marching band), and she eats, sleeps and breathes band, orchestra and ensembles as a music major. I KNOW how busy these kids are because I see it in Kelsey's life. And even with their tight schedules, the young people of the OBU Band prepared Thanksgiving goodies for me and my family so that we might have one less stress in our lives this week. And it wasn't just one plate of treats that they made, but five beautifully wrapped desserts--each one delicious!

One of the characteristics I have tried to teach my girls is to think outside of themselves as they go. I know that Barry won the "Service Above Self" award from Rotary when we were in college, and that is the kind of person/atttitude I want our girls to emulate. Today I saw that other parents are teaching and have taught their kiddos the same values, and it makes me proud of and for Ouachita to have "service above self" kind of students. Good job, parents!

I told Barry just last night that going through cancer treatment has not been easy (major understatement), and it is exhausting at the very least. By 8:00 or 9:00 at night during those first few days after a treatment, I hit a wall and have to go to bed. It's not a problem to go to bed so early most of the time, but when there is a holiday just a couple of days away, it's hard not to think of all the things you should be or could be doing if you felt better. I'm a usually a doer and a mover, and going to bed early isn't what I like to do, but it's what I am having to do at this time in my life.

The OBU Band students blessed me so much with their actions today, and I cried when Kelsey told me how much they had done. I know it touched her as well. When I came in from work and saw the bounty of goodness on my dining table, I was so moved, and I want everyone to know about these special young people.

I am thankful for their friendships with Kelsey. I am thankful for the students and the families they represent. I am thankful for these Thanksgiving treats. Thank you, OBU Band, for thinking above yourselves and blessing me in such a special way. :)

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