Thursday, February 9, 2012

May 7, 2011 - Traci's Graduation Day

Our daughter, Traci, graduated from Arkansas State University today. We are so very proud of her and all that she's accomplished, and we know she will make a wonderful teacher. I took off work yesterday to get a nice graduation lunch prepared so that when we came in from the drive to Jonesboro, all we had to do was pull things out and celebrate with family and friends. We're so comfortable with the crowd we had here that it was just like a big family meal. I love that. It was a very good day, and even though I've done too much, I am happy that I felt good enough to DO in the first place.

My CT-RTP is finally scheduled for Monday at 1:00, and they will send the information to a dosemetrist to make sure they will be doing what they need to with my radiation treatments. I don't know if I will start radiation mid-week or if they will have me wait until Monday week to start. The flooding and power outages here have really done a number on many homes and businesses, and my cancer center is no exception to one of the places affected. The Mississippi is nearly at 47 feet, and 48.5 feet is the record high in 1937. It is expected to crest mid-week at the record level. Everyone in this area is hoping and praying that the levee holds or all of our homes, schools and businesses will be under water. No kidding. It's scary, but I try not to worry about it. I'm not as concerned about things as I am about the safety of people and our pets.

I can tell my arm is a little swollen tonight from doing too much, and I would ask for prayers against lymphedema (PAL prayers!).

I am going to be taking Tamoxifen soon to bring down estrogen levels instead of taking the drug Femara since I haven't gone through menopause yet. Tamoxifen has a potential side effect of blood clots, so before I start taking it, I have it on my list to ask the doctor Monday if I can take an aspirin a day to keep a blood clot from occurring.

Another question I want to ask the doctor is whether or not I should wait until radiation is complete before I begin the Tamoxifen. There are two schools of thought on when it should be taken, and one of the schools says any possible cancer is more susceptible to radiation if it's not being hit at the same time with a drug such as Tamoxifen. The other school of thought says it makes no difference. I think I read too much and that the doctor is going to be very tired of me asking questions by the time I'm through with treatment!

Please keep praying for me as I go into radiation treatments. I'm doing well otherwise, and I feel good. And please pray that as I feel good that I will quit doing too much!

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