Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ash Thursday

Back in 2001, my friend, Bess Jenkins, moved back to this part of Arkansas after living most of her adult life in Lake Village.  While she had been raised a Baptist, she married a Catholic, and over the years, she became a very devout Catholic.  When she moved to Marion, she was already at retirement age, but she’s one of those folks who think they need to keep on working so they won’t be a burden to their children.  So she came to work at the same law firm where I worked, and we became good friends.  I loved it that we could be close friends even with more than 20 years of difference in our ages.

We’ve remained close over the years, and I know she holds no hard feelings for the prank that Barry played on her early in our friendship that I call “Ash Thursday”.  The day before my breast cancer surgery, she brought over a big pot of delicious, chicken noodle soup and one of the best German Chocolate Cakes I’ve had in years, so I think we’re okay.

Here’s what happened on Ash Thursday:

Bess must have been pretty busy on Ash Wednesday of 2002, because she totally forgot about it until Thursday morning.  Feeling pretty remorseful, she told me about it at work that morning, and then I shared it with Barry when I went home for lunch.  Being the prankster that he can be, he called Bess immediately  and pretended to be “Father O’Malley” from the Catholic Church in West Memphis.  There is no Father O’Malley at the church.

He told Bess that he hadn’t noticed her name on the list of folks which he said they often pass down the pew for parishioners to sign when they attend Mass, and he was just calling to check on her since he knew she missed Ash Wednesday.  I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff, but Bess bought it, hook, line and sinker.  She began to confess right there over the phone, and I could hear her saying, “Father, I got so busy yesterday that I totally forgot about it” and “I’m so sorry Father.”  Then Barry offered to do a makeup Ash Wednesday session or an “Ash Thursday” if you will.  I was laughing, but at the same time, I didn’t want to hurt Bess’s feelings, and I was sitting across from him telling him to let her off the hook.  I had to work with her after all, and I wasn’t sure how she’d take this.

After trying to interrupt her several times, Bess finally stopped apologizing for missing Ash Wednesday.  When the realization of the prank set in, I heard her say, “Barry Bates, you just wait!”   We all laughed about it, and it’s been a story worth re-telling over the year.  I’m just glad she was so good-natured and we were able to remain friends.

(And not to make light of this observance, but if anyone missed Ash Wednesday, please know that my husband will gladly perform make up services if needed--just might put you a little behind on Lent.)

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