Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January 29, 2011

Although I'm glad my heart volume function was at 67% when the average is 45%, I must say that I'm not glad that it allowed me to get the drug Adriamycin. Actually, I'm not sure if it was that drug or the Cytoxan that has made me so sick, but they've done me in this time.

I was explaining to my mom this week that the Taxol treatments I got were specifically to attack rapidly multiplying cells such as cancer, and I am finished with that drug. Since hair, skin and nails are more rapidly growing cells, that part of my body has been affected, and my hair has fallen out and my skin is as dry as a desert. I can't see that my nails have been affected at all, and for that, I'm thankful.

The Adriamycin and Cytoxan are the type of drugs that attack the DNA of cancer cells, and the ONLY way I'm seeing benefit in these two drugs right now is picturing them destroying any remaining cancer cells in my body. Other than that, I would be fine if they came in next week and said, "No more chemo for you. You've been such a trooper"! But they aren't going to say that, and I have three more treatments of this sucky stuff to go.

The infusion of the new drugs is quick, and once they started it, I was out of the oncology office in an hour. I ate lunch around 12:30 and then laid down to rest. When I woke up at 3:00, I was so nauseated, I could barely lift my head. So I took another Phenergan, and I really don't like Phenergan because it makes things like water taste sweet, and I can't really tell that it helps that much with nausea. It's been the same every time I have taken it over the years, and I took four in a 12-hour period and was still nauseated and also felt kind of drugged out.

I was able to work all day on Friday (actually I left at 4:30, but don't tell my boss), and I didn't feel the same level of nausea that I did on Thursday. After dinner I took more Phenergan, got my bath and headed to bed.

When I got up this morning, it was the same general nauseated feeling, and I knew I had to have something more, so I got the doctor to call in some Zofran. It has helped quite a bit, and the good news is that it doesn't make me sleepy. I'm still draggy, and I haven't accomplished nearly as much in my house at I usually do--hoping tomorrow is much better.

It has been such a beautiful day outside, and I have longed to get in the car and just go somewhere with my family. I was jealous of people's Facebook posts talking about going shopping, being at the mall, going on a picnic, going to the zoo. And here I was, up and down from my bed or chair all through the day.

And Barry has been so patient and good to me, and I love him all the more for it. He drove to Memphis and got dinner from Huey's tonight, and we all sat around our kitchen bar and had take-out once again. Traci has cleaned up the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher, folded clothes--and really done whatever I've asked her to do. My problem is that I want to be doing what they're doing without it wearing me out! It's hard to change our basic makeup, and I've always been a do-er.

On a last note tonight, I would ask that you please say a special prayer for David Berry, the husband of my friend and former college roomie, Teresa Albritton Berry. David has had esophageal cancer for the past couple of years, and he is having a particularly difficult time right now and is in critical condition in ICU. Please pray for his comfort and strength and for his family as they deal with all the issues related to cancer and its treatments. His CaringBridge site is "berryupdates".

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