Wednesday, February 8, 2012

November 10, 2010 - Shedding

Today when I finished getting ready for the day, I looked in the bathroom sink, and low and behold, it was full of hair. Over the years I might lose an occasional strand or two, but never this much hair. As the day progressed, I tried running my hand through my hair or tugging at a section just to see what would happen, and each time there would a gentle pull and then release of several strands of hair. And so the shedding process begins.

Before all of this cancer business, I had a trip to Italy planned with a group of my girlfriends so that we could celebrate our 50th birthdays together. I am still planning on that trip, so tonight I hurried to get a new passport photo made since my passport needs renewing. I thought a photo of how I look with my real hair would probably be better than one of me in a wig or without any hair. You know how security can be, and without hair I'd probably be mistaken for a follower of Reverend Moon--just give me a white sheet to drape across my body!

Several of my girlfriends are facing tough health and life issues right now, but we are planning on this trip and purchasing trip insurance just in case any of us have to cancel. I think it's healthy to look forward to this celebration of such a wonderful landmark in our lives--A half century of bumps and bruises and we are still smiling and trudging victoriously along.

So my wig is at the ready--waiting to be worn. I don't think I'll shave my head for a few days until I see how quickly the hair is going to come out. I'd rather have longer strands on my pillow than lots of little bitty ones that would be prickly in my clothing. And I promise I won't let myself get to where I look like I have mange!

I'm actually looking forward to not blow drying and fixing my hair each day--that will shave at least 15 minutes off of my getting ready time. Because my hair will be on vacation--vacating my body for now.

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