Wednesday, February 8, 2012

November 5, 2010

Both my red and white blood cells are within normal limits according to the folks at the oncology office--so glad! I'm still trying to do what I can to stay healthy by eating lots of veggies and drinking juice. And I've felt good enough the past couple of days to cook complete meals, and that makes me feel good mentally. I even took a bold step and cooked something spicy for dinner tonight, and so far so good.

I asked Dr. Obaji yesterday if I could expect similar side effects with my next three chemo treatments of Taxol, and he said very probably so. That is wonderful news for me, because that will mean I should have mostly decent days ahead. Dr. Obaji looked at me and said with his slight accent, "You still have your hair," and then he smiled. I told him I hadn't had any hair loss issues yet, and I said if it didn't fall out soon, I was going to have to shave my head anyway so I could enjoy my cute wig! Seriously!

I'm trying to stay well during this cold and stomach virus season by staying away from crowds, but Barry had to get a sinus cocktail earlier this week and a shot of antibiotic. Traci had two children throw up right next to her yesterday at the school where she's doing her Field III work, and she did balloon animals all day for a fall carnival today. I'm sure the kids were right up next to her the entire time, and I'm hoping she doesn't get sick.

I've never really worried about catching a virus before, and I've always been pretty fastidious about keeping things clean and sanitized in my home. But now that a little "bug" could really do a number on me, I'm being overly cautious.

I am so thankful to be feeling as good as I do, and I have a whole weekend planned of cooking, doing a little bit of nothing and enjoying the crisp, fall weather. This one day at a time thing can be pretty nice if I let it.

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