Wednesday, February 8, 2012

October 30, 2010

I had totally planned on being sick today, you know, room spinning, throwing up, and ultimately doped up on Phenergan so I would be knocked out, but I'm not sick to my stomach at all. I've tried to be cautious and go ahead and eat something if I feel hungry, because someone told me to treat yourself on chemo the same way you treated yourself when you were pregnant--small meals throughout the day with snacks in between to keep from being nauseated. That seems to have helped me. Maybe I should be waiting on the other shoe to drop?

Another chemo friend suggested walking for a while immediately following treatment, and Traci and I did that for about thirty minutes right after I got home Thursday. They said the walking helps to minimize the effects of chemo, and I'm believing it based on how I've felt since my treatment!

Whatever is keeping me from feeling poorly, I am extremely grateful, and I will take all of the good days I can get. My energy level is good, and I've been up and about doing things today, and I've been writing thank you notes that are long overdue to those of you have done such nice things for me. Sorry about the delay!

I slept from about 9:00 last night until 6:30 this morning, and then I was wide awake and feeling hungry. I got up and made myself eggs, grits, toast and coffee, and I had a lovely breakfast all by myself (Barry was still asleep, and Traci was housesitting). After that, I did some housecleaning, stopped for a juice break, then did some more chores. I ate a baked potato for lunch, and then sat down to rest for a while, still feeling fine.

The only side effect I "think" I feel is a little achiness, but it is very mild. My face was flushed yesterday, which is a side effect, but I've not run any fever. I already have a prescription filled for "Magic Swizzle" in the event I get mouth sores, but that hasn't happened either.

Tracy Dougherty is bringing our dinner tonight, and I almost feel as if I should have cooked HER dinner because she's done so much for me lately! I am so thankful for such good friends. And Donna Demuth just brought me a vase of most beautiful, miniature pink roses, and they look wonderful on my coffee table. Nothing like fresh flowers to brighten the day!

Barry and Traci have made a quick run to Memphis, and Kelsey just called me to get a recipe for a Halloween treat for her and her friends to munch on. Life suddenly feels more normal for a change.

I know there will be days ahead not quite so wonderful, and I will experience fatigue and other symptoms in a few, but for now, today has been good, and I'm thankful.            

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