Wednesday, February 8, 2012

October 2, 2010

Have I said how much I don't like being taken care of? I would much rather be the caregiver and the doer in just about any situation I can think of right about now. I appreciate everyone doing things, but mentally I am just fine, and being sedentary is driving me crazy! I am sorry that I am not a good patient dear family. I was much funnier on drugs, or at least so you tell me! I do remember some of what I said coming out of anesthesia, but much of it will be embellished in the re-telling if my family has anything to do with it. And alas, much of it is true (evil laugh).

The amount of daily fluid in my little drain bubble is almost to where the doctor said it needs to be before they will remove it, and I am ever so glad of that. It is not comfortable AT ALL to have a plastic tube sticking out of my side, and I am almost constantly aware of it so that I don't pull it out. I feel like I have a third boob with the drain bubble clipped to my bra, but maybe people will just think I'm extraordinarily blessed up top! I'm hoping that by Monday I'm within the drain range the doctor gave me so I can get it removed, though. I am truly thankful for the little drain bubble because that fluid isn't building up inside my body, and it's helping me to return to some semblance of normalcy by drawing it out. As I type this, I'm realizing this might be kind of gross to some people, but it's my reality. Sorry about that.

And if you see me out and about this week, be sure to notice how "blessed" I am. =)           

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