Wednesday, February 8, 2012

October 13, 2010

Ow, ow, ow. That's what it feels like this morning after sleeping with my new port, and even though I got up twice to get fresh ice for my ice bag, it is still very tender and sore today. The bruising is better. Barry suggested that I wear my wig to keep from having to use my arm to wash and fix my hair, but the look of disdain I gave him was enough for him to leave me alone and let me handle it (this time). I can't get the incision wet for another day, so I took a bath, and then got on my knees and leaned under the water faucet to wash my hair. When it hurt to put my hair in the towel, I wondered how the heck I would dry it and style it. One bit at a time was how I did it. I discovered I could lift that arm behind me with less pain, but reaching across to the front (as in putting on my right earring) about killed me. It may be a long day. Heavy sigh. But to my boss who may read this, the rest of me feels fine, and I'm going to work to get some things done--plus I'm taking my ice bag. If I get to feeling bad, I'll head home.

All I can say is, be patient with people with new ports! That's almost a tongue twister. ;)           

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